Unlocking the Power of AI and Unified Data
in Cyber Security Risk Management

Magnifying Glass ICon

Overcome top security Challenges

Tool sprawl
Complexity is the enemy of security, as itcreates a significant amount of risk for organizations. Today, there are toomany surfaces to defend, too many tools and siloes between teams, and toolittle context.
Vulnerability Risk prioritization
When cybersecurity tools and products operate in silos, they may not share information effectively. This lack of integration can lead to gaps in understanding the overall security posture, making it difficult to identify and prioritize risks accurately.
Alert fatigue
An IDC white paper reported that cybersecurity teams struggle with alert fatigue across organizations of all sizes, with up to 30% of alerts not being investigated or completely ignored.
Multiple query languages
Too Many query languages across multiple solutions require a certain skill set and consume a lot of time

Navigating SecOps Through Complex Risk Landscapes

Prioritizing asset risk is one of the biggest challenges in cyber security. Our innovative LLM Correlates business context with the security data Cyclops is ingesting and helps your security operations make better decisions. It allows you to validate the effectiveness of your security controls in the context of your unique business requirements.

Cybersecurity asset relations visibility provides organizations with a comprehensive understanding of their IT infrastructure, allowing them to make informed decisions regarding risk management. It enhances the organization's ability to protect critical assets, respond to threats effectively, and get actionable insight across all tools.

Cybersecurity risk dashboards improve situational awareness, streamline decision-making, and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of cybersecurity operations. They consolidate diverse data sources, facilitate analysis, and provide a holistic view of the organization's security posture, ultimately contributing to improved risk management.

Vulnerability risk prioritization by business context involves considering the specific impact, risks, and priorities of vulnerabilities within the context of an organization's unique business operations, assets, and objectives. It considers the alignment of vulnerabilities with the organization's business goals, compliance requirements, and industry-specific factors. Cyclops Automatically prioritizes risky vulnerabilities in your stack based on their threat Profile Business Criticality and Exploitability.
For example: a device with no EDR, Vulnerability CVSS 8, not behind FW, has access to PII and owned by user that fails in phishing campaign.

From Complex Data to Clear Actions

Make faster, more accurate risk prioritization decisions based on business impact

We gather your security findings, incidents, alerts, vulnerability scans and business context to build a comprehensive dataset

Next, our AI engine normalizes, correlates and deduplicates data to ensure accuracy and reliability.

It then enriches the data with additional context and conducts thorough analysis to uncover insights

It delivers focused actionable insights, allowing you to prioritize and address the most critical risks to your business

Maximize the potential of your security stack with
the power of AI

Cyclops collects the most critical data from the security stack, cloud, and on-prem. It then normalizes, correlates, and creates a security fabric. The data model calculates the relevant context using our AI autonomous correlation engine. By consolidating their cyber security stack, organizations can work more efficiently, focus on their critical risk, reduce alert fatigue, Prioritize vulnerabilities, and eliminate the tools sprawl problem.
Cyclops answers SecOps most complicated questions

Revolutionized Efficiency with AI
  • Aggregate and Correlate  your security stack to reduce data retention from your siem
  • Reduce SecOps time spent on data gathering and analysis by 70%
  • Summarize vast data signals into key insights to cut through the noise.
  • Security hygiene and AI risk posture dashboards
Asset risk intelligence
  • Get real-time visualization of asset relations and assets at risk.
  • Tag business assets to prioritize risk.    
  • Monitor and identify all assets relations and identify blast radius
  • Automate audit evidence collection for well-known compliance frameworks.
Vulnerabilities risk prioritization
  • Prioritize criticality of vulnerabilities with business context powered by AI.
  • Aggregating and consolidating vulnerability findings
  • Enrich remediation decisions with threat intel and news feeds.
  • Provide mitigation and scheduled actions upon an Alert

what Industry Leaders Say about us?

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"Cyclops expeditiously enables security teams to be more efficient and get meaningful insights while integrating all of your security tools behind a single simplified search capability!”
Tyler Young
"Cyclops has redefined the landscape of security risk management and operations with its revolutionary solution, crafting a seamless data fabric infused with the intelligence of a unique large language model (LLM). Organization's transformative journey lies in the unmatched power of AI, which significantly enhanced the ability to mitigate risks"
Anthony Belfiore
WIZ ,EX CISO - JP Morgan
"Cyclops exposes blind spots and can identify and prioritize potential threats based on patterns and trends in the organization's ecosystem"   
Yoav Chen
Senior Director For Threat and Vulnerabilities, Akamai


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